This City Girl

Living good on a budget, and sustainable

Category: Fish (Not fishes)

Having a fish is not just buying a Betta and putting it into a bowl with no filter or light. Caring for a fish is doing water changes, adding filters, bubblier, heaters and a few cool decorations.

I will share my highs and my lows when caring for 10 gallon tank to 100 gallon tank.

I have cared for Chiclids, Oscars, Tetras, Gupies, Mollies, Plecos and a


  • New Tank Tips

    Before picking the fish and decorations, think about the space you have in your home. Can you fit a 50 gallon tank in your house? Or is a 20 gallon more realistic? Measure out the space you plan on putting the fish tank and stand and check to see if you have a power source…

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  • How to do a water change

    Water changes are very important in any aquarium tank. If not done properly it can result in sick fish or even death. Fish tanks can be beautiful and exotic but without the proper care, it is a short lived dream. How often do you need to do a water change? Water changes will all depend…

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